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Game information

Developer: Twilight Zone Software
Publisher: Webfoot Technologies
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Side-scrolling shooter

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For best music and sound quality, use Gravis Ultrasound emulation in DOSBox.

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Game description

Interpose is one of the better side-scrolling shmups for DOS, with smooth controls, nice pre-rendered art (combined with hand-drawn character animations), and good music. The humans are cast as the baddies in this one, being unwitting pawns in the hands of some sinister alien race that genetically engineered mankind in the first place, in order to conquer the prehistoric Earth which is populated by a peaceful race of technologically advanced humanoid lynxes (called the overlynxes).

As the fleet of human-piloted combat spaceships approaches, only one brave overlynx is up to the task of stopping them. From here the gameplay is fairly typical: blast through waves of enemy ships and missiles, collect powerups to get more firepower and durability. As in many other games of this kind, you can also get coins which may be spent in shops (in the case of Interpose, found inside levels) to further upgrade your craft.

Description by MrFlibble

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