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Rex Blade: The Apocalypse

Game information

Developer: Xtreme Games LLC
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Interactive
Category:First-Person Shooter
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Rex Blade

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The demo includes three levels (one planet) from the third episode of the full game.

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Game description

In the 35th century, mankind developed almost god-like technology to create Cyborg slaves - machines so shrewd they were almost human. In time, the Cyborgs waged a war against man to control the Earth. After emerging victorious, mankind banished the Cyborgs to a distant star system via a Transdimensional Teleporter.

It's now 500 years later, and the Cyborgs are planning a massive offensive against Mother Earth!

You are Rex Blade. Part Human. Part Cyborg - with a history of excessive violence. Armed to the teeth. Fearless. You are Earth's last chance.

Description by Xtreme Games LLC

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