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Zero G

Game information

Developer: syn9 / Ex Machina Studios
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Self-published

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File Details
  • executable: 0G-BRW.BAT
  • configured for DOSBox


Make sure to set DOSBox to use the dynamic CPU core, else the game will be very slow even at max CPU cycles.

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Game screenshots

Game description

Zero G is a futuristic hovercraft racing game that was inspired by wipEout. The player participates in single races against several AI opponents, with more difficult tracks giving larger prizes. The credits won this way may be spent on buying faster, more manoeuvrable craft with better chances of winning. Additionally, there are various powerups which may be used during the game to even the odds, including a temporary speed boost, missiles and mines to slow down opponents.

The game was written in QBasic and is completely free. There are four tracks and six racing craft types. There are no sound effects or music.

Description by MrFlibble

Game screenshots