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File Details
  • executable: EGABLOCK.EXE
  • freeware release from 2003


The VGA version is known to crash on levels 6, 9 and 11. Levels 6 and 11 can be played in CGA and EGA versions, but level 9 appears broken. Please use the code bakklske to skip right to level 10 (thanks to john82 for the tip!).

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Game description

Block-O-Mania is a Soko-Ban style game with many intricate puzzles and a built-in level editor. The player's objective is to push blocks into designated areas of the level, keeping in mind that you will not be able to move the block if you get it in a place where you can no longer push it into any direction (like a corner). Thus, solving the puzzles requires to carefully plan your moves, and probably restart a couple of times. There is no time limit, move count or high scores, but the player is awarded with a password once a level is completed, to be able to start from that level in the future.

In addition to these basics, the game adds certain new features like tiles which become blocked by walls once you step over them, doors that can be passed by the player but not by blocks, and one-way tiles that do not allow movement in the opposite direction.

Block-O-Mania was originally sold as shareware, but in 2003 author Pieter Simoons released the full version as freeware.

Description by MrFlibble

Game screenshots