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Game information

Developer: Ben Hanke
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Clone, Breakout/Arkanoid like, Classic, Self-published

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Game description

Blockage is a simple Breakout variant that is very lightweight (only about 4 kilobytes zipped, 8 kilobytes unzipped). There are a few bonuses and block types, but these include blocks which grow back after being destroyed, and completely indestructible ones. These are combined to create quite clever playing situations, and the result is more entertaining than many an Arkanoid / Breakout clone out there.

The graphics are simple but pleasant, although the animation effect of destroyed blocks can be rather distracting. The game has no sound effects and will not record the high score achieved by the player.

Author Ben Hanke released Blockage as freeware.

Description by MrFlibble

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