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Game information

Developer: Doug Beeferman
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Sokoban (Soko-Ban) variant, Self-published

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Game description

CyberBox is a clever puzzle game based on premises similar to Sokoban but with somewhat different rules. The player's goal is not to move boxes to specific places in the level, but rather to navigate to the level exit, which involves moving around boxes that block the path by the way of pushing them (pulling boxes is not possible), usually in a specific order that you need to figure out.

Unlike Sokoban, different boxes have different properties: some may only be moved horizontally, some only vertically, and some move in all directions. The player can also push stacks (rows or columns if you will) of boxes, provided that they all can move in the same direction. Each puzzle takes up one single screen.

CyberBox was marketed as shareware, and the shareware version is still available from the author's website.

Description by MrFlibble

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