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Denarius Avaricius Sextus

Game information

Developer: Thorsoft of Letchworth
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Text parser, Self-published

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Game description

This is a graphical adventure game with text-parser commands, similar to the early Sierra Entertainment titles or The Adventures of Maddog Williams. Taking place in Roman Pompeii hours before Vesuvius' eruption, this tongue-in-cheek adventure is anything but serious. Guide the clueless protagonist, Denarius Avaricius Sextus (Avvy to his friends) away from the doomed city before it is too late, solving various puzzles and avoiding traps along the way.

The game was distributed as shareware. The unregistered version has no limitations but contains several nag screens urging the user to register.

Description by MrFlibble

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