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Eat 'Em Up!

Game information

Developer: Games 4 Brains
Publisher: Games 4 Brains
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Clone, Snake/Nibbles like, Classic

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Game description

Eat 'Em Up! is a Snake variant that leans heavily into puzzle territory. You guide the snake around mazelike levels, eating plus and minus signs that grow or shrink the snake's tail, respectively. Unlike the more basic Snake types, here you need to plan in advance to successfully clear a stage from all plus signs without bumping into the snake's tail or a wall.

The shareware version includes 20 levels out of 100 in the registered game, which may be played in any order. The player is given an infinite amount of attempts to beat a level, but the game will record the number of steps the snake moves before a stage is completed.

Description by MrFlibble

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