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FX racer

Game information

Developer: Peter Melchart, Erik Pojar
More details:MobyGames
Related games: Self-published

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File Details
  • executable: FXR-BRW.BAT
  • configured for DOSBox

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Game description

FX racer is a fully 3D rendered car racing game that was developed by two members of Austrian demo group Surprise! Productions. You can choose one of three cars with different characteristics and enter either a three- or five-lap race at one circuit track. There are no AI opponents so the race is against time only.

The game comes with a 3D editor that allows to modify models of objects like cars and the track itself. The whole project is more like a tech demo but it is still rather enjoyable and interesting to play, not to mention that it is not as easy to steer the car through the track as it may sound.

Description by MrFlibble

Game screenshots