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Hexx: Heresy of the Wizard

Game information

Also known as: Wizard (original working title)
Developer: TAG
Publisher: Psygnosis
More details:MobyGames, Wikipedia
Related games: Action RPG, Blobber, Dungeon crawler

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Game description

A 3-D first-person perspective dungeon with three levels to explore and loads of monsters to dispose of using might or magic. Search for four gems to restore the gods to their rightful status and beat up the end of demo guardian.

Your team is already created and raring to go. The characters are fairly high level, can all cast magic and are well equipped with armour, gold and spells. In addition, the dungeons are literally heaving with food, weapons and magical items for you to try out.

Movement is either by clicking the left mouse button in the view window or using the keyboard alternatives you'll find detailed in the Help file.

Description by Psygnosis

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