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Magic Boy

Game information

Developer: Blue Turtle
Publisher: Empire Interactive
More details:MobyGames, Wikipedia
Related games: Amiga original

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Game description

Magic Boy is a cute arcade puzzle-platformer where you control Hewlett the apprentice magician who accidentally released various monsters and must capture them and send them back to his master's basement. You need to first stun the monsters with your magic wand, then pick the monster and press the down arrow to drop it into the basement.

Monsters won't stay stunned for long, and will try to escape from Hewlett's bag when captured. But if you can send more than one into the basement at once you get more points. Be sure to collect bonus items for extra points, and avoid the various hazards found in the levels!

The game features cutely drawn, appealing visuals and light, happy music, but some levels may become frustratingly hard because you need to time and execute your actions very precisely.

Description by MrFlibble

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