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Megatron VGA 7.0.2

Game information

Developer: Stanley Design Team
Publisher: Stanley Design Team
Category:First-Person Shooter
More details:MobyGames
Related games: Mecha, Fangame

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Game description

This is the latest version of the (once-)popular online mecha duelling game. Its primarily purpose is to allow for two-player matches over a modem, but it can also be played solo against an AI opponent of varying difficulty.

The player controls a fully equipped mecha robot (out of two models available) and navigates a randomly generated maze from the first-person perspective, with the only objective of tracking out and destroying the opponent who is trying to do the same.

Earlier releases of the game included mecha designs similar to those from FASA's BattleTech universe, but this revised version uses original designs.

Description by MrFlibble

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