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Star Control 3

Game information

Developer: Legend Entertainment
Publisher: Accolade
Category:Real-Time Strategy
More details:Official game website, MobyGames, Wikipedia
Related games: Star Control

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Game description

The Journey Begins Here. Take Control. Star Control 3 is the ultimate action adventure game that provides an immense experience that is entertaining, compelling and challenging.

The highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning sci-fi adventure enters a new galaxy. Star Control 3 features intense alien interaction, space combat and space exploration. Interstellar civilization is in chaos. The fabric of hyper space has been torn asunder, and a disaster of cosmic proportions threatens to wipe out all signs of intelligent life. Your only salvation lies in the secrets of a lost civilization hidden within the galactic core. To survive, you must command a massive fleet of alien allies in an expedition to the heart of the galaxy. Encounter bizarre and ruthless races, negotiate sophisticated treaties and engage in fast-action space combat.

Description by Accolade

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