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Super Angelo

Game information

Developer: Wiering Software
Publisher: Wiering Software
More details:MobyGames
Related games: Clone, Super Mario Bros. like, Classic, Hop and Bop platformer

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Because Super Angelo has been discontinued, you can't order the game anymore. However, Charlie the Duck (Charlie I, not Charlie II) uses the same registration system, so if you buy a code for Charlie the Duck, you can also use it for Super Angelo. See the website of Wiering Software for more information:

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Game description

A group of islands is terrorized by three dragons, who took over all the castles and kidnapped the princess! The brave Angelo decides to defeat the dragons and rescue the princess.

Super Angelo is a platform game in the style of the famous game Mario. In this game, Angelo must find his way through several levels and beat dragons in order to rescue the princess. By collecting useful items on his way, Angelo can survive the dangerous quest.

Description by Wiering Software


Using the following cheat you can get through the hard castle levels (requires version 2.2 or above). Press [P] (pause) and then [Tab], then type 14159 (in the first castle), 26535 (second) or 89793 (third).

Description by Wiering Software

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