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The Great Giant Sisters

Game information

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File Details
  • Editor
  • MS-DOS
  • 64 kB (0.06 MB)
  • executable: GIANA32K.EXE
  • original 32KiB version

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Game description

The Great Giant Sisters is an unofficial DOS conversion of The Great Giana Sisters, a platform game not unlike Super Mario Bros. The project started as a 32 kilobyte game created for a demoscene event, featuring nine levels and two enemy types. It was further expanded into a more full-feartued game with six enemy variants and a lot more levels, however certain features from The Great Giana Sisters, like transformation powerups and ranged attacks, have not been implemented.

Author Rainer Sinsch released the game as freeware along with a level editor and source code.

Description by MrFlibble

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