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Thunder Strike

Game information

Developer: Marc Schneider Entertainment
More details:MobyGames
Related games: Side-scrolling shooter, Self-published

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File Details
  • executable: TSTRIKE.EXE
  • version 1.0

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Game description

Thunder Strike is a side-scrolling sci-fi shoot-'em-up with pre-rendered sprites, visually similar to Stargunner and Interpose.

You control a fighter craft that flies from left to right against overwhelming waves of enemy fliers, picking weapons, shields and other powerups along the way. There are no "lives", so once the player's ship is worn down by enemy fire and/old collisions, it's game over. Weapons include an onboard gun with infinite ammo, missiles and bombs that are in limited supply.

Thunder Strike was marketed as shareware, with the unregistered version including just the first level out of eight in the full game.

Description by MrFlibble

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