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Game information

Developer: Atod
Publisher: Sales Curve Interactive
More details:MobyGames, Wikipedia
Related games: Lemmings like

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The wizard is controlled by arrow keys. To summon a block, press and hold Alt or Ctrl and an arrow key pointing in the direction away from the wizard where you want to position the block. Then release the Alt/Ctrl key while still holding the arrow key.

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Game description

Troddlers is a puzzle game largely similar to Lemmings for one or two players. The objective in each level is to guide the eponymous troddlers -- little humanoid creatures -- to safety through an obstacle course with various hazards. Unlike Lemmings, the player controls a wizard who can move across the screen and summon or destroy blocks to create a safe pathway for the troddlers. Each level occupies a single screen, and troddlers can walk in any direction, including up the walls or upside-down on ceilings, while the player-controlled wizard is constrained by gravity and must rely on summoned blocks to move around the level.

Description by MrFlibble

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