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Alex the Allegator 2

Game information

Developer: Johan Peitz
Publisher: Free Lunch Design
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Open source, DOS & Windows, Allegro, Self-published

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Game description

Alex the Allegator 2 is a strategy/puzzle boardgame for one or two players which has nothing in common with the first Alex the Allegator game except for the same main character. The objective is to clear all your tokens from the board before your opponent does the same.

During each turn, players can either place one token on the board or move one row or column by one cell. Points are awarded by clearing blocks of 2x2 tokens. If a larger block like 3x2 is cleared, the player is awarded a special yellow stone token which acts as a wildcard that can join both players' tokens. It is important to bear in mind that you can clear your opponent's tokens and still earn points that way. Additionally, every once in a while, grey stones appear in random places of the board, acting as obstacles, but they can be removed by surrounding them with yellow tokens (if available). The game ends when one of the players clears all tokens from the board.

Alex the Allegator 2 was released as freeware, originally as an entry for the 2001 Allegro SpeedHack event. The entire source code is also available, as well as a native Windows version.

Description by MrFlibble

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