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Desert Storm Command

Game information

Also known as: Desert Storm Command Deluxe (full version title)
Developer: Pod Bay Enterprises
Publisher: MVP Software
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Modern warfare, Gulf War

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Game description

Desert Storm Command is a collection of four arcade minigames themed after the Gulf War.

The game was sold as shareware, and the unregistered version (simply called Desert Storm Command, as opposed to the Deluxe registered game) only includes two minigames. In "Combat", the player needs to provide cover for friendly troops that try to cross an area while being sniped by the enemy. In "Scuds", the objective is to defend a city from missiles and bombs raining upon it using a stationary missile defence system. Registering the game would allow access to two more scenarios, "Tanks" and "Tomahawks".

Desert Storm Command includes a practice mode, allowing the player to familiarize with each scenario. All minigames are played with the mouse.

Description by MrFlibble

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