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DOS Games Archive: download DOS games for free
Brixor II
Games from 1992 (99)
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- All categories -
Adventure (145 games)
Arcade (134 games)
Educational (15 games)
Expansion Set (18 games)
Fighting (37 games)
First-Person Shooter (105 games)
Miscellaneous (12 games)
Platform (199 games)
Puzzle (174 games)
Racing (73 games)
Real-Time Strategy (57 games)
Role-Playing (108 games)
Shooter (175 games)
Simulation (83 games)
Sport (38 games)
Traditional (60 games)
Turn-Based Strategy (76 games)
- All years -
1980 (2 games)
1983 (4 games)
1984 (9 games)
1985 (4 games)
1986 (9 games)
1987 (16 games)
1988 (12 games)
1989 (18 games)
1990 (35 games)
1991 (54 games)
1992 (99 games)
1993 (141 games)
1994 (203 games)
1995 (238 games)
1996 (211 games)
1997 (157 games)
1998 (74 games)
1999 (40 games)
2000 (36 games)
2001 (36 games)
2002 (30 games)
2003 (15 games)
2004 (5 games)
2005 (4 games)
2006 (3 games)
2007 (3 games)
2008 (4 games)
2009 (2 games)
2011 (1 game)
2012 (1 game)
2013 (3 games)
2014 (6 games)
2015 (2 games)
2016 (2 games)
2017 (6 games)
2018 (5 games)
2019 (3 games)
2020 (3 games)
2021 (1 game)
2022 (4 games)
2023 (5 games)
2024 (3 games)
- All licenses -
Freeware (457 files)
Freeware (installed) (163 files)
Playable demo (553 files)
Playable demo (installed) (151 files)
Shareware (453 files)
Shareware (installed) (188 files)
Full version (190 files)
Full version (installed) (51 files)
Non-playable demo (52 files)
Non-playable demo (installed) (10 files)
Update (34 files)
Patch (28 files)
Game expansion (17 files)
Extra (86 files)
Editor (10 files)
FAQ (22 files)
Soundtrack (3 files)
Preview (46 files)
Source code (84 files)
System component (21 files)
- All developers -
John Augustine (1 game)
Kevin Bales (1 game)
Dave Baskin (1 game)
Steve Blanding (1 game)
Klaus Breuer (1 game)
Yong Choi (1 game)
David L. Clark (3 games)
Kurt W. Dekker (4 games)
John E. Dell (1 game)
John Dondzila (2 games)
Chris Elsbree (1 game)
Karsten Finger (1 game)
Stefan Heineke (1 game)
Wendell Hicken (1 game)
John Hood (1 game)
Jukka Jäkälä (1 game)
Jari Karjala (1 game)
Jon Lane (1 game)
Jonathan Lexa (1 game)
Olivier Massé (1 game)
Ilija Mihajlov (1 game)
Alex T. Moore (1 game)
D. Pavlovsky (1 game)
Patrick Piché (1 game)
Tomasz Pytel (2 games)
Gary Quiring (1 game)
Michael Riedel (2 games)
William Rieder (1 game)
Joosa Riekkinen (1 game)
William D. Rinehart (3 games)
Doug Ross (1 game)
Raoul Said (3 games)
Scott Semon (1 game)
Dave Sharpless (3 games)
Bill Skrok (1 game)
Toren K. Smith (1 game)
Vu Truong (1 game)
Warren Ward (1 game)
Terry Washington (2 games)
John White (1 game)
Roberta Williams (1 game)
Chun-Cheung Yim (1 game)
Patrick Aalto (1 game)
John Davis Akkara (2 games)
Samir Aličehajić (1 game)
Rhett Anderson (1 game)
Dave Ashley (1 game)
Phillip Bailey (1 game)
Dan Baker (1 game)
Ron Balewski (1 game)
Michael Batty (1 game)
Doug Beeferman (2 games)
Leslie Benzies (1 game)
Jarda Beran (1 game)
Don Berg (1 game)
Giuliano Bertoletti (1 game)
Martin Binder (1 game)
Adam Biser (1 game)
Benoit Blanchon (1 game)
Vince Bly (1 game)
John Blythe (1 game)
Brian Boese (1 game)
Florian Born (1 game)
Anne Bras (1 game)
Chris Brown (1 game)
Jim Brown (1 game)
Christoph Brzozowski (1 game)
Thomas Büngener (2 games)
Chris Busch (1 game)
Matthew Bush (1 game)
William O. Cain (1 game)
John Carmack (1 game)
Justin Cassidy (1 game)
Kathy Cassidy (1 game)
William Cassidy (1 game)
Elvis Enmanuel Castillo Núñez (1 game)
Warren Cheung (1 game)
Stuart Collier (1 game)
Edward D. Collins (1 game)
Robert Cook (1 game)
Pete Cooper (1 game)
Drew Costigan (1 game)
Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw (5 games)
Don Cross (1 game)
Karen Crowther (1 game)
Mark Currie (1 game)
Stephen Curtis (1 game)
Billy Dalrymple (1 game)
David Dambman (1 game)
Michael Davies (1 game)
Ben Davis (1 game)
Bas de Reuver (2 games)
Scott DeMers (1 game)
Michael A. Denio (1 game)
Herve Dereumaux (1 game)
Robert J. Deutsch (2 games)
Steven Don (1 game)
John M. Dow (1 game)
Graham Downey (1 game)
Alexandre Duret-Lutz (1 game)
Thomas Ehlers (1 game)
James Eibisch (1 game)
Carl Erikson (2 games)
Robin Eskew (1 game)
Sylvain Fajon (1 game)
Mike Farrell (1 game)
Steve Fawkner (2 games)
Andrea Fazzi (1 game)
Ed Federmeyer (1 game)
Pedro Fernandes (1 game)
Martin J. Fiedler (1 game)
Jake Firth (1 game)
David Fleming (1 game)
Tom Fresen (2 games)
Jeffrey Fullerton (2 games)
Seth Galbraith (2 games)
Romual Genevois (1 game)
Victor Geraldsson (1 game)
Vadim Gerasimov (1 game)
Subha Ghoshal (1 game)
Franck Gotthold (1 game)
Chad Goulding (1 game)
David "Perikhi" Grace (2 games)
Wesley Gray (1 game)
Jeffery Guan Foo Wah (1 game)
Chris Haag (1 game)
Scott Haag (2 games)
Michael Haar (1 game)
Ulrich Haar (1 game)
Tom Hall (1 game)
Paul Hamilton (2 games)
Ben Hanke (1 game)
Thomas G. Hanlin (1 game)
Philip Hassey (2 games)
Arto Heikkinen (1 game)
Tero Heikkinen (1 game)
Jürgen Heise (1 game)
Stefan Hendriks (1 game)
Linley Henzell (1 game)
Dan Hilton (1 game)
Jonathan Howell (1 game)
David B. Howorth (1 game)
Jari Huikari (1 game)
Peter Hull (1 game)
Henrik Høxbroe (1 game)
Michał Imiołek (1 game)
Sebastiaan Jansen (2 games)
Andrew Jenner (1 game)
Cliff Johnson (1 game)
Chris Jones (2 games)
Richard Jordan (1 game)
T. S. Karthik (1 game)
Marcus Kasumba (1 game)
Juha Kauppinen (1 game)
Timo Kauppinen (1 game)
Tony Kelly (1 game)
David E. King (1 game)
Janne Kivilahti (1 game)
Rolf-Dieter Klein (1 game)
Jason M. Knight (1 game)
Martin Koleček (1 game)
Ville Könönen (1 game)
Maarten Koornneef (1 game)
Jay Kramer (1 game)
Petr "AfBu" Kratina (2 games)
Harald Krines (1 game)
Richard Lang (1 game)
Andreas Lange (1 game)
Zak Larue-Buckley (1 game)
Charles B. Law (1 game)
Daniel Lawrence (1 game)
Michael W. Lawrence (2 games)
Mike Layer (1 game)
Roy Lazarovich (1 game)
David Lehmeyer (1 game)
Michael Lehotay (1 game)
Damon Lichtenwalner (1 game)
Sheng-Chung Liu (1 game)
Alexandre Liverneaux (1 game)
Don Llopis (1 game)
Al Lowe (5 games)
Adam Luker (1 game)
Kari Luojus (1 game)
Mark "Atomjack" Mackey (1 game)
Greg Mapes (1 game)
Juan J. Martínez (1 game)
Ben Marty (1 game)
Filipe Mateus (1 game)
Jeff Mather (1 game)
Andrew McBean (1 game)
Steve McCrea (1 game)
Daniel McKinnon (1 game)
Brandon W. McMullen (1 game)
Andrew McNab (1 game)
Jordan Mechner (1 game)
Philippe Meisburger (1 game)
Peter Melchart (1 game)
Kostas Michalopoulos (1 game)
Uwe Milde (1 game)
Scott Miller (3 games)
Adrian Millett (2 games)
Jeff Minter (2 games)
Daniel "MontyOnTheRun" Monteiro (2 games)
Chris Moreton (1 game)
George Moromisato (1 game)
Kenneth Morse (1 game)
Markus Mück (1 game)
Edward Mueller (1 game)
John K. Murphy (1 game)
Lary Myers (1 game)
René "Havoc" N. (1 game)
Eugene Nalimov (1 game)
Miroslav Němeček (1 game)
Niko Nevatie (1 game)
Tien Khoa Nguyen (2 games)
Dave Niec (1 game)
Lukas Nijsten (1 game)
Tom Niwinski (1 game)
Andy Noble (2 games)
Jani Nykänen (1 game)
Luca Oleastri (1 game)
Richard Olsen (1 game)
Angel Ortega (2 games)
Pedro Ortega (1 game)
James Robert Osborne (1 game)
V-M Osterman (2 games)
Dushan Ostoich (1 game)
Alexey Pajitnov (1 game)
Martin Paucula (2 games)
Forest Pearson (1 game)
John Peasley (1 game)
David Pegg (1 game)
Johan Peitz (10 games)
Juan Pablo Peloso (1 game)
Vince E. Pelss (1 game)
Jaakko Peltonen (1 game)
Alex Peterson (1 game)
Erik Pojar (1 game)
Michelangelo "Polik" Policarpo (1 game)
Andreas Pollack (1 game)
Leizer Portnoy (1 game)
Niels Poulsen (1 game)
Abe Pralle (1 game)
Ian Price (3 games)
Tom Proudfoot (2 games)
Tom "Voxel" Purnell (2 games)
Jim Radcliffe (2 games)
Randy Rasa (3 games)
John A. Reder (2 games)
Robert Reichelt (1 game)
Dan Richardson (1 game)
Michael Rieck (1 game)
Josh Robertson (1 game)
Alexander Rodin (1 game)
Pako Rojas (1 game)
John Romero (1 game)
Craig Rothwell (1 game)
Georg Rottensteiner (7 games)
Andreas Rottler (1 game)
Balázs Rózsa (1 game)
Phil Ruston (1 game)
Sergey Ryzhkov (1 game)
Evan Salomon (1 game)
Jose Sanchez (1 game)
Daniel Schlyder (1 game)
Thorsten Schmidt (1 game)
Christoph Schneiders (1 game)
Jürgen Schulze-Döbold (1 game)
Detlev Schwetzler (1 game)
Gus Scott-Exley (1 game)
Martin Sedlák (1 game)
Alexander Seifriz (1 game)
Ron Sharpless (1 game)
John Shramko (1 game)
Alexey Silaev (2 games)
Ken Silverman (4 games)
Petr Simon (1 game)
Rainer Sinsch (1 game)
Pawel Slawinski (1 game)
Brad Smith (1 game)
Jörg Stenger (1 game)
John Stephens (1 game)
Andy Stewart (1 game)
Timothy Stoehr (1 game)
Toni Svenström (1 game)
Mihail Szabolcs (1 game)
Anton Norup Sørensen (1 game)
Michael Taggart (1 game)
Leonard Yeo Khee Teck (1 game)
Michael J. Teixeira (1 game)
Roel Tempelaar (1 game)
Christophe Théron (1 game)
Kenneth Thornton (2 games)
Jim Todd (1 game)
Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez (1 game)
Pavlos Touboulidis (1 game)
Jason Truong (1 game)
George M. Tzoumas (4 games)
Masayoshi Ueda -Cheez- (1 game)
Martin Ulrich (1 game)
Danny E.K. van der Kolk (1 game)
Thomas van der Velden (1 game)
Remi Veilleux (1 game)
Viktor V. Vikhrev (1 game)
Mateusz Viste (5 games)
Michael Vöing (1 game)
Fran Vong (1 game)
Thomas Wagner (2 games)
Ron Walker (3 games)
Michael David Weiss (1 game)
Tim Wellhausen (1 game)
Mats Westberg (1 game)
Ronny Wester (2 games)
Stephen White (1 game)
John H Wigforss (1 game)
Christopher Jon Wild (2 games)
Hugo Windisch (1 game)
Harald Winkler (1 game)
Marti Wong (1 game)
Don Worth (1 game)
Nathan Yam (1 game)
Arto Ylisaukko-oja (1 game)
Kelly Youngblood (1 game)
Stefan Zwanzger (2 games)
Ralf Zwanziger (1 game)
-MWD- Software (1 game)
.HCC. ~Software~ (1 game)
11th Dimension Entertainment (1 game)
3000AD, Inc. (2 games)
3D Realms (2 games)
47-TEK (1 game)
4am Programming (1 game)
5th Dimension (1 game)
7th BitLabs (1 game)
A-J Games (1 game)
Absolute Magic (1 game)
AcASoftware (1 game)
Accolade (2 games)
Accursed Toys (1 game)
Aclypse Corporation (1 game)
ACRO Studio (1 game)
Action Forms (2 games)
Activision (3 games)
AD Studios (1 game)
Adeline Software International (2 games)
Adept Software (4 games)
Ader Software (1 game)
Adventure LearningWare (1 game)
Adventure Soft (2 games)
Advertising Games GmbH (1 game)
Alchemic (1 game)
Alive Software (5 games)
Alpha Helix (1 game)
Alpha-Omega Software (1 game)
AnakreoN (1 game)
Anarchy Entertainment (1 game)
Animation FX (2 games)
Animation Magic (1 game)
Anonymous (1 game)
Antares Productions (1 game)
Apogee Software (15 games)
Arc Developments (1 game)
Arcanum Computing (5 games)
Argo Games (4 games)
ARGON Software (2 games)
Argonaut Software (1 game)
Armageddon Games (1 game)
Art Department Werbeagentur GmbH (1 game)
Artificial Software (1 game)
Artsoft Entertainment (2 games)
AS-Freegames (1 game)
Astros Productions (2 games)
Atari Games (1 game)
Atman Software (1 game)
Atod (1 game)
Atreid Concept (1 game)
Attention to Detail (1 game)
Attic Entertainment Software (3 games)
Audio Visual Magic (1 game)
Awesoft (1 game)
AWKWARD Software (1 game)
Axisim Software (1 game)
Bad Bone Software (1 game)
Bad Dog (1 game)
Banjo Software (1 game)
BB Software (5 games)
Beam Software (1 game)
Beavis-Soft (2 games)
Beck-Tech (1 game)
Belenos Software Enterprises (1 game)
Bethesda Softworks (8 games)
Big Red Software (1 game)
Binary Spells (1 game)
BioWare (1 game)
Bits Corporation (1 game)
Blackmoth Entertainment (1 game)
Blizzard Entertainment (4 games)
Bloodhouse (1 game)
Bloodlust Software (1 game)
Blue Byte Software (7 games)
Blue Sky Productions (1 game)
Blue Turtle (1 game)
BlueMoon Software (4 games)
BlueSckR (1 game)
Bogus Game Design (1 game)
Boku Strategy Games (1 game)
Brain Bug (1 game)
Brainchild Design (3 games)
BrandGames (1 game)
Bridgestone Multimedia Group (1 game)
Broken Arrow Entertainment (1 game)
Brøderbund Software (1 game)
Bullfrog Productions (12 games)
Button Software (1 game)
Cajji Software (1 game)
Capcom (3 games)
CAPS Softwaredesign ULM (2 games)
Capstone Software (3 games)
Carr Software (1 game)
Cascoly Software (1 game)
Cassiopeia / Crystal Shard (1 game)
CAUSE 'n EFFECT (1 game)
Celeris (2 games)
Cerebral Gaming Systems (1 game)
CF FOYS GAMES (1 game)
CHAMProgramming (1 game)
Channel-7 Software (2 games)
Cheegrah Interactive (1 game)
Cheesy Software (2 games)
Circus of Dawn (1 game)
Cistar (1 game)
Clockwork Games (1 game)
Codemasters Software (1 game)
CodeRed Soft (1 game)
CoGS: Digital Amusements (1 game)
Coktel Vision (5 games)
Colin Gagnon Software (1 game)
Compro Games (1 game)
Computer & Entertainment (C&E) (1 game)
Computers Communications & Visions (2 games)
Conmeg Spielart (1 game)
Copysoft (6 games)
Core Design (8 games)
Crack dot Com (1 game)
Creative Assembly (1 game)
Creative Dimensions (1 game)
Creative Edge Software (1 game)
Creative Game Design (1 game)
Creative Reality (1 game)
Criterion Studios (2 games)
Crocodile Entertainment (2 games)
Croteam (1 game)
Cryo Interactive Entertainment (1 game)
Cyberlore Studios (2 games)
Cygnus Software (3 games)
Cyningstan (1 game)
Cytherean Adventures (2 games)
D'India Software (1 game)
Dark Knight Software (1 game)
Darkness Ethereal (1 game)
Data Wave Software Technology (1 game)
Dataware (1 game)
Deadline (1 game)
Delphic Oracle Entertainment (1 game)
Delphine Software (3 games)
Dem Innovations (1 game)
Deschutes (1 game)
Designer Software (1 game)
DevTeam (3 games)
Diabolic Software (1 game)
Digi4Fun Corp. (1 game)
Digital Cafe (1 game)
Digital Dialect (1 game)
Digital Dimensions BV (1 game)
Digital Dreams Multimedia (4 games)
Digital Extremes (2 games)
Digital Illusions (1 game)
Digital Integration (2 games)
Digital Lobster (1 game)
Digital Marketing Associates (1 game)
DIGITAL Nightmares (3 games)
Digital Workshop (1 game)
Dinamic Software (1 game)
Distinctive Software (1 game)
Diversions Entertainment (1 game)
Divide By Zero (1 game)
DMA Design (9 games)
Dod-G Pos-E (8 games)
Dodekaedron Software (1 game)
Domark Software (2 games)
Dongleware (3 games)
DreamForge Intertainment (3 games)
Dungeon Dwellers Design (2 games)
Düsi Computer Software (1 game)
Dynabyte Software (2 games)
Dynamix (7 games)
DzikoSoft (1 game)
e-People (1 game)
E.T.S. Games (1 game)
EA Canada (2 games)
East Point Software (2 games)
EBro Software (1 game)
Eclipse (6 games)
Eclipse Software (2 games)
Ego Software (1 game)
Elecbyte (1 game)
Electronic Arts (9 games)
Electronic Music And Graphic (EMAG) Software (1 game)
Elite Software (1 game)
Elkware (2 games)
Elysium Digital (1 game)
Emerald Software (1 game)
EMPrograms (1 game)
Engine Technology (1 game)
Enhanced Creations (1 game)
Enlight Software (1 game)
Epic MegaGames (10 games)
Epsilon Soft (1 game)
Epsitec (2 games)
Esc Programs (2 games)
Escape Programming (1 game)
ESD Games (1 game)
Esoterica Software (1 game)
ESP Software (1 game)
Everett Kaser Software (4 games)
Everlasting Software (3 games)
EvilX Systems (1 game)
Evryware (1 game)
Exaggerated Software (1 game)
Exxing Entertainment (1 game)
Factor 5 (2 games)
FaMe SoftWare (1 game)
Family Production (8 games)
Farr-ware Software (1 game)
Fednet Software (1 game)
Fifth Dimension Company (2 games)
FireBall Software (1 game)
Firefall Softwarez (1 game)
Flying Legends (1 game)
Forgotten Sages Games (1 game)
Fragment (1 game)
Franticware (1 game)
Frontier Developments (2 games)
FTL Games (1 game)
Fully Bugged Software (1 game)
Funsoft (1 game)
Future Crew (1 game)
Future Vision (1 game)
FutureSoft (1 game)
G.A.C. (1 game)
Game Crafters (1 game)
Games 4 Brains (2 games)
GameTek (3 games)
Geckosoft (2 games)
Godly Games (1 game)
Goldtree Enterprises (1 game)
Graftgold (3 games)
Grandslam (1 game)
GraphicWares (1 game)
Gray Design Associates (4 games)
Green Dragon Creations (1 game)
Greenwood Entertainment (1 game)
Gremlin Interactive (11 games)
Grey Software (1 game)
Ground Up Software (1 game)
GWME Software (1 game)
H/M Software (1 game)
Hammer Technologies (5 games)
Hamster Republic Productions (3 games)
Happi Llama Realtech (1 game)
Herculean Effort Productions (1 game)
High Score Productions (1 game)
Holistic Design (1 game)
Holodream Software (2 games)
Home Made Software (1 game)
HomeBrew Software (1 game)
Housemarque Games (1 game)
HPC Gameshop (1 game)
Humongous Entertainment (2 games)
Hungry Software (2 games)
Hypothermia (1 game)
I-Motion (1 game)
id Software (10 games)
Imagexcel (1 game)
imagination development (2 games)
Imaginative Illusions (1 game)
Imagineer (1 game)
ImagiSOFT (3 games)
Immortality Productions (1 game)
Impel Development Team (1 game)
Impressions Games (5 games)
Infogrames (6 games)
Ingenuity Software (1 game)
Inner Circle Creations (1 game)
Instinct Design (1 game)
Intelligent Games (1 game)
Inter-Active Arts (2 games)
Interactive Binary Illusions (2 games)
Interplay Productions (7 games)
InterQuest Productions (1 game)
Interscan (1 game)
InTime Corporation (1 game)
Intoxicated Little Bunny (1 game)
IO Design (1 game)
Issie Software Creations (1 game)
Jack in the Box Computing (1 game)
Jaeger Software (1 game)
Jaleco (1 game)
JAM Productions (1 game)
Jamül Software (2 games)
Jarrod Davis Software Company (1 game)
Jazz Software (1 game)
Jeff Tunnell Productions (1 game)
JJsoft (2 games)
JMS Enterprises (1 game)
Jocke the Beast (2 games)
JROK (3 games)
JV Enterprises (1 game)
K-D LAB (1 game)
Kalisto (1 game)
KENTAURI (3 games)
Kesmai Corporation (1 game)
KFH Games (1 game)
Krisalis Software (2 games)
Kronoman (1 game)
L P Software (1 game)
L.K. Avalon (3 games)
Lacral Software (1 game)
Legend Entertainment (1 game)
Leryx LongSoft (1 game)
Level Infinity (1 game)
Light Shock Software (1 game)
Litmus Paper Productions (1 game)
Lobotomy Software (2 games)
Locatha Industries (1 game)
Locoware (1 game)
LogicDeLuxe (1 game)
Lomax Software (5 games)
Lone Eagle Productions (1 game)
Looking Glass Technologies (2 games)
Lord Generic Productions (1 game)
LucasArts Entertainment / Lucasfilm Games (14 games)
Machination (1 game)
Mad Arab (1 game)
Mad Genius Software (1 game)
Maddox Games (3 games)
Madlab Software (1 game)
Maelstrom Games (1 game)
Maelstrom Software (1 game)
Magic Lemon Software (1 game)
Magic Touch (1 game)
Magnetic Fields (2 games)
Mana Games (1 game)
Manic Media Productions (1 game)
Marc Schneider Entertainment (1 game)
MarioSoft (1 game)
MARTIN (1 game)
Martin Software Productions (1 game)
Massive Developments (1 game)
Mataya (1 game)
Max Design (2 games)
Maxis (2 games)
MC2-Microïds (1 game)
MDF (2 games)
Megavision Entertainment (1 game)
Merit Studios (2 games)
MesSoft (1 game)
Metropolis Digital (1 game)
Metropolis Software House (1 game)
Mickey Productions (3 games)
Micro F/X Software (2 games)
Microdem (1 game)
Microforum International (2 games)
MicroGenesis (2 games)
MicroLeague Software (1 game)
MicroProse Software (9 games)
Microvalue (1 game)
Midnight Software (2 games)
Midnight Synergy (2 games)
Midway Games (2 games)
MiG (1 game)
Milestone/Graffiti (3 games)
Military Simulations Inc. (1 game)
Millennium Media Group (1 game)
Mind Shear Software (1 game)
MindSpan (1 game)
MindStorm Software (1 game)
Mirage Technologies (Multimedia) (4 games)
Mirinae Software (5 games)
Mission Studios (2 games)
MM Software Productions (1 game)
Monolith Productions (1 game)
Moonlite Software (5 games)
MoraffWare (2 games)
Motelsoft (1 game)
MPS Labs (7 games)
Mythos Games (2 games)
Nachos Software (2 games)
Napoleon Games (2 games)
Nashi Igry (1 game)
NecroBones Software (1 game)
NEO Software Produktions (1 game)
NEON Software (1 game)
Neural Storm Entertainment (1 game)
Neurotech Software (1 game)
New Generation Software (1 game)
New World Computing (3 games)
NGS Software (2 games)
NMS Software (2 games)
NNN Software (1 game)
Noch Software (1 game)
NoriaWorks Entertainment (2 games)
Norsehelm Productions (1 game)
Northwind Soft (1 game)
Nostalgy (1 game)
NovaLogic (3 games)
Nowhere Software (1 game)
Odium Entertainment (1 game)
Omega Integral Systems (1 game)
Omnitrend Software (1 game)
oP group germany (2 games)
Optik Software (1 game)
Origin Systems (10 games)
ORT Software (2 games)
OSP Enr. (2 games)
Outhouse Software (1 game)
Oxford Softworks (1 game)
P Squared (1 game)
PabaGames (1 game)
Panda Entertainment (2 games)
Papyrus Design Group (3 games)
Parallax Software (2 games)
Particle Systems (1 game)
Pasco (1 game)
PC Research (1 game)
Pendulo Studios (1 game)
Peninsula Gameworks (1 game)
Pentastar Productions (1 game)
Perceptum Informática (1 game)
Petrilla Entertainment (3 games)
Phantagram (1 game)
Phoenix Arts (1 game)
Pie in the Sky Software (4 games)
Pieslice Productions (1 game)
Pioneer Productions (3 games)
PiSoft (Ouss & MirMax) (1 game)
Piste Gamez (1 game)
Pixel Painters Corporation (4 games)
Pixelsplash Software (1 game)
Platinumware (1 game)
PLBM Games (4 games)
Pod Bay Enterprises (2 games)
Polarware (3 games)
Pop Software (1 game)
POW Productions (2 games)
Probe Entertainment (1 game)
Procryon (1 game)
PsychoSoft (1 game)
Psycon Software (2 games)
Psygnosis (2 games)
QASoft (1 game)
QSoft (1 game)
Quantum Quality Productions (1 game)
Quicksilver Software (3 games)
Rage Software (2 games)
Rainbow Arts (1 game)
RainbowCemetery (1 game)
Rainmaker Software (1 game)
Rauser Computer Advertising GmbH (3 games)
Raven Software (5 games)
Realism Entertainment (2 games)
Reality Studios (1 game)
RederWare (Tactical Neuronics) (1 game)
Redwood Games (2 games)
Reflections Interactive (2 games)
REKO Productions (1 game)
Related Designs (3 games)
Remdy Software (1 game)
Remedy Entertainment (1 game)
Renaissance (1 game)
Revae (1 game)
Revolution Software (3 games)
Rinzai Satori Productions (1 game)
Ritlabs (1 game)
Rodge Rock Software (1 game)
Rodisoft (1 game)
Rogue Entertainment (1 game)
Rowan Software (3 games)
Runt time (1 game)
RYLO Software (1 game)
Safari Software (4 games)
Sales Curve Interactive (3 games)
Sanctuary Software Studio (1 game)
Sandbird Software (1 game)
SAV Creation (1 game)
Scenario Software (2 games)
Schröder BV (1 game)
Scipio (1 game)
Screaming Duck Software (1 game)
SE Software (1 game)
Senile Team (1 game)
Sensible Software (4 games)
SerpentHead Software (2 games)
SGN/Starline (1 game)
Shades of Evolution (1 game)
Shadow Software (1 game)
Shiny Entertainment (3 games)
Sierra Entertainment (16 games)
Silicon and Synapse (1 game)
Silicon Knights (1 game)
Siliconis Games (1 game)
Silmarils (2 games)
Silver Lightning Software (2 games)
Simis (2 games)
Simply Silly Software (2 games)
Simtex Software (3 games)
Sir-Tech Software (1 game)
Six Pound Sledge Studios (1 game)
SKoN / Virtual Dreams Productions (1 game)
Slattstudio (1 game)
Sleepless Software (1 game)
Smoking Car Productions (1 game)
Snood, LLC (1 game)
Soft Enterprises (2 games)
Softdisk Publishing (1 game)
Softlair (1 game)
Software 2000 (1 game)
Software of Sweden (4 games)
Software Perfectie Nederland (1 game)
Software Storm (1 game)
Soggybread Software (1 game)
Soleau Software (12 games)
Sorcerer Productions (1 game)
SP Camo Workshop (2 games)
Sphere, Inc. (2 games)
SpiderSoft (1 game)
Split (1 game)
Square Wheel Studios (1 game)
Squashy Software (1 game)
Stainless Software (1 game)
Standsoft (1 game)
Stanley Associates (1 game)
Stanley Design Team (1 game)
Stone Interactive Media (1 game)
Stormfront Studios (1 game)
Strategic Simulations, Inc. (11 games)
Strategic Studies Group (3 games)
Strategic Visions (1 game)
Strategy First (1 game)
Studfarm Studios (1 game)
SubZero Software (1 game)
Summit Software (1 game)
SUNGJIN Multi-Media (1 game)
Sunstorm Interactive (3 games)
Supersonic Software (1 game)
SW Games (3 games)
syn9 / Ex Machina Studios (1 game)
Synaptic Entertainment (1 game)
Synergistic Software (1 game)
Synthetic Dimensions (1 game)
System 3 Software (2 games)
Tachyon Studios (1 game)
Tactical Soft (1 game)
TAG (1 game)
Taito Corporation (1 game)
Take 2 Interactive (1 game)
Tamsoft (1 game)
TDB Soft (1 game)
Teacy Entertainment Enterprises (1 game)
Team Hoi (1 game)
Team17 Software (8 games)
Tech-Noir (1 game)
Teeny Weeny Games (2 games)
Teque London (1 game)
Terminal Reality (1 game)
Terraform Software Systems (1 game)
The 8th Day (2 games)
The Assembly Line (1 game)
The Avalon Hill Game Company (2 games)
The Bit Bucket Brothers (1 game)
The Bitmap Brothers (4 games)
The Black Hazard (1 game)
The Logic Factory (1 game)
The Millennium Group (1 game)
The Oliver Twins (1 game)
The Pixel Team (1 game)
The SoftAd Group (3 games)
The Software Refinery (1 game)
The Three Relaxed Byte-Biters (2 games)
The Toxic Dream (TTD) (1 game)
The Toxic Zombies (1 game)
The Warp Factory (1 game)
The WorkWare Company (1 game)
Think!Ware Development (1 game)
Thomas & Leandro Productions (1 game)
Thorsoft of Letchworth (2 games)
Thunder Software (1 game)
Thunderbear Software Creations (1 game)
Tierra Entertainment / AGD Interactive (2 games)
TimeValue Software (1 game)
Titus Interactive (3 games)
TLK Games (3 games)
TMB Productions (3 games)
Tom Bombadil's Software Emporium & House of Curiosities (1 game)
TOM-Productions (2 games)
TopWare Programmy (1 game)
Totally Games (1 game)
Toys for Bob (2 games)
Tran (1 game)
Tranquil Revolt in Computer (2 games)
Transend Services (1 game)
Trecision (1 game)
TRIAL (1 game)
Trigger Soft (1 game)
Trilobyte (1 game)
Triniti Software (1 game)
Triple Team (1 game)
TriSoft (1 game)
TrollsTreasure (1 game)
True Emotions Software (1 game)
TSA (1 game)
Twilight Software (2 games)
Twilight Zone Software (2 games)
Ubi Soft Entertainment (3 games)
Under Hell Soft (1 game)
Union Logic Software Publishing (1 game)
Unique Development Studios (1 game)
United Software Artists (1 game)
Unobstructed Reason Corporation (1 game)
Uranium-Software (2 games)
Vagabondo Enterprises (3 games)
Velocity Inc. (1 game)
Vicious Byte (1 game)
Vintage Software (1 game)
Viper Byte (1 game)
Viper Software (2 games)
Virgin Interactive Entertainment (2 games)
Virtual Adventures Inc. (1 game)
Virtual Image Productions (1 game)
ViRTUAL X-PERiENCE Software (1 game)
Vision Software (1 game)
VisionSoft (1 game)
Visual Concepts Entertainment (1 game)
Vivid Image (1 game)
Vivvid Technologies (1 game)
Vonster Vision (1 game)
Vorlon Software (1 game)
WAH-Software (1 game)
Wave Software (1 game)
Webfoot Technologies (1 game)
Weierheiser Concepts (1 game)
Welforce (1 game)
Westwood Studios (12 games)
Wetware (3 games)
White Magic (1 game)
White Wolf Productions (2 games)
Wiering Software (6 games)
Windigo Productions (1 game)
Windmill Software (1 game)
Winged Yak Productions (1 game)
wiSdom Software (1 game)
Wolf Snack & Gebäck GmbH (1 game)
World Domination Productions (1 game)
World Software (1 game)
Worwyk Software (2 games)
Wraith Corporation (2 games)
WSP-Software (2 games)
Wylde Productions (1 game)
X-Ray Produktions (1 game)
Xatrix Entertainment (1 game)
xLand Games (3 games)
Xtreme Games LLC (2 games)
Yosemite Software (1 game)
Yzone software (1 game)
Zangrila Software (1 game)
Zaskoda Soft (1 game)
Zeppelin Games (1 game)
Zero Gravity Entertainment (1 game)
ZeroHour Software (1 game)
Zeus Software (1 game)
Zombie LLC (1 game)
Zonarware (1 game)
ZoneSoft Software (1 game)
Zorlim (2 games)
Zyrinx (1 game)
- All publishers -
John Dondzila (1 game)
Thomas G. Hanlin (1 game)
David Lehmeyer (1 game)
Filipe Mateus (1 game)
Russell Newman (1 game)
Danny E.K. van der Kolk (1 game)
11th Dimension Entertainment (1 game)
21st Century Entertainment (1 game)
3D Realms (2 games)
3M Deutschland GmbH (1 game)
47-TEK (1 game)
Acclaim Entertainment (7 games)
Accolade (6 games)
Aclypse Corporation (1 game)
Activ-Echecs (1 game)
Activision (8 games)
Adventure LearningWare (1 game)
Adventure Soft (2 games)
Aestan Games (1 game)
Alive Software (4 games)
American Software Laboratories (1 game)
Apogee Software (37 games)
Artsoft Entertainment (2 games)
Atari Games (1 game)
Atman Software (1 game)
Atomic Entertainment (1 game)
August Storck (1 game)
Auric Vision (2 games)
AWKWARD Software (1 game)
Axe Productions (2 games)
Bad Bone Software (1 game)
Banjo Software (1 game)
Beaucomm Interactive (2 games)
Bethesda Softworks (8 games)
BISI Inc. (1 game)
Black Legend (1 game)
Blizzard Entertainment (2 games)
Bloodhouse (1 game)
Bloodlust Software (1 game)
Blue Byte Software (5 games)
BlueMoon Software (2 games)
BMB Compuscience (2 games)
BMG Interactive (2 games)
Bogus Game Design (1 game)
Boku Strategy Games (1 game)
Brainchild Design (2 games)
Bridgestone Multimedia Group (1 game)
Brinkmann Niemeyer GmbH (1 game)
Brøderbund Software (3 games)
Buka Entertainment (1 game)
Bullfrog Productions (2 games)
Byte Wizard (4 games)
Capcom (1 game)
Capstone Software (3 games)
Cascoly Software (1 game)
Cassiopeia / Crystal Shard (1 game)
CDV Software (5 games)
CHAMProgramming (1 game)
Channel-7 Software (1 game)
Circus of Dawn (1 game)
CodeFusion Inc. (1 game)
Codemasters Software (3 games)
Coktel Vision (1 game)
CompuServe (3 games)
COMPUTE! Publications (1 game)
Computer & Entertainment (C&E) (1 game)
Conmeg Spielart (1 game)
Copysoft (6 games)
Core Design (4 games)
Creative Dimensions (3 games)
Criterion Studios (1 game)
Crowfoot Software (2 games)
Crystal Dynamics (1 game)
Cygnus Software (1 game)
Darkness Ethereal (1 game)
Data Wave Software Technology (1 game)
Dataware (1 game)
Deep Connection (1 game)
Deep River Publishing (1 game)
Defcom (1 game)
Delta Konzept (1 game)
DevTeam (1 game)
Digital Artworx (1 game)
Digital Dreams Multimedia (5 games)
Digital Integration (2 games)
DIGITAL Nightmares (3 games)
Digital Workshop (1 game)
Dod-G Pos-E (5 games)
DOKA Company (3 games)
Domark Software (4 games)
Dongleware (4 games)
Dynabyte Software (1 game)
Dynamix (1 game)
EBro Software (1 game)
Eidos Interactive (7 games)
Electronic Arts (36 games)
Elite Software (1 game)
ELORG (1 game)
Elysium Digital (1 game)
Emerald Software (1 game)
Empire Interactive (4 games)
EMPrograms (1 game)
Epic MegaGames (26 games)
Epsitec (2 games)
ESD Games (1 game)
Esoterica Software (1 game)
ESP Software (1 game)
Europress Software (1 game)
Everett Kaser Software (5 games)
Everlasting Software (3 games)
Exaggerated Software (1 game)
FastTrak Software Publishing (5 games)
Fifth Dimension Company (1 game)
FireBall Software (1 game)
Ford Motor Company (3 games)
Forgotten Sages Games (1 game)
FormGen Corporation (8 games)
Free Lunch Design (6 games)
Friendware (1 game)
Frontier Developments (2 games)
Fully Ramblomatic (2 games)
Funsoft GmbH (1 game)
Game Crafters (1 game)
Gameland (3 games)
Gamer's Edge (1 game)
Games 4 Brains (2 games)
GameTek (10 games)
Gaping Wolf Software (1 game)
Godly Games (1 game)
Gold Medallion Software (1 game)
GOTO Software (1 game)
Gray Design Associates (1 game)
Gremlin Interactive (7 games)
GT Interactive (12 games)
GTE Entertainment (1 game)
GWME Software (1 game)
H/M Software (1 game)
Herculean Effort Productions (1 game)
HomeBrew Software (5 games)
Hudson Soft (1 game)
Humongous Entertainment (2 games)
Hungry Software (2 games)
I-Motion (4 games)
id Software (5 games)
IDCOM (1 game)
Ikarion Software (1 game)
Image Works (1 game)
Imaginative Illusions (1 game)
Imagineer (1 game)
ImagiSOFT (5 games)
Impressions Games (2 games)
INCOM I&C (2 games)
Infogrames (2 games)
Inter-Active Arts (2 games)
Interactive Magic (3 games)
International Games (1 game)
Interplay Productions (37 games) (5 games)
JRC Interactive (2 games)
JVC Musical Industries (1 game)
Kellogg Company (1 game)
Kingsformation (1 game)
Komentokeskus Oy (1 game)
Konami (1 game)
L.K. Avalon (3 games)
Laser Point (3 games)
LightSword Software (1 game)
Llamasoft (2 games)
Locoware (1 game)
LogicDeLuxe (1 game)
Lomax Software (8 games)
Looking Glass Technologies (1 game)
Lord Generic Productions (1 game)
Lovecraft Dreams (1 game)
LucasArts Entertainment / Lucasfilm Games (16 games)
Machination (1 game)
Mad Arab (1 game)
Mad Genius Software (1 game)
Magicom Multimedia (3 games)
Manaccom (5 games)
Max Design (4 games)
Maxis (1 game)
MC2-Microïds (1 game)
Megamedia Corporation (2 games)
Merit Software (1 game)
Merit Studios (2 games)
Microdem (1 game)
Microforum International (6 games)
MicroGenesis (1 game)
MicroLeague Software (1 game)
MicroProse Software (21 games)
MicroStyle (1 game)
Midway Games (1 game)
MiG (1 game)
Miles Computing (1 game)
Military Simulations Inc. (1 game)
Mindcraft (1 game)
Mindscape (13 games)
Mirage Software (2 games)
Moon Doggie (1 game)
Moonlite Software (4 games)
MoraffWare (1 game)
Motelsoft (1 game)
MVP Software (16 games)
Napoleon Games (1 game)
NAVIGO (1 game)
Nebula Software (1 game)
Nestlé Deutschland (1 game)
New World Computing (6 games)
Noch Software (1 game)
Nostalgy (1 game)
NovaLogic (3 games)
Ocean Software (5 games)
Odium Entertainment (1 game)
One Reality (2 games)
oP group germany (1 game)
Optik Software (2 games)
Optimus Nexus (1 game)
Origin Systems (10 games)
ORT Software (1 game)
OSP Enr. (2 games)
Outhouse Software (1 game)
Ovine by Design (1 game)
Oxford Softworks (1 game)
PabaGames (1 game)
Pack Media Company (2 games)
Panda Entertainment (2 games)
Pantech Corporation (4 games)
PC Format (2 games)
PC Solutions (2 games)
Pentastar Productions (1 game)
Perceptum Informática (1 game)
Philips Interactive Media (3 games)
Pie in the Sky Software (3 games)
Piptol Productions (1 game)
Piste Gamez (1 game)
Pixelsplash Software (1 game)
Plasma Works (1 game)
PlayByte (1 game)
Playmates Interactive Entertainment (4 games)
PLBM Games (8 games)
Polarware (3 games) (1 game)
PolyEx Software (1 game)
POW Productions (1 game)
Precision Software Publishing (1 game)
Psion Software (1 game)
PsychoSoft (1 game)
Psygnosis (17 games)
Public (software) Library (4 games)
QASoft (1 game)
Quality Software (1 game)
Quantum Quality Productions (1 game)
Ralston-Purina (1 game)
Rasputin Software (1 game)
Realism Entertainment (2 games)
Recreational Software Designs (1 game)
RederWare (Tactical Neuronics) (2 games)
REKO Productions (1 game)
Renegade Software (6 games)
Retrospec (1 game)
Ritlabs (1 game)
Royal Crown Company (1 game)
RREALogic (1 game)
RUSSOFT.WRE (1 game)
Safari Software (5 games)
Sagittarius (1 game)
Sales Curve Interactive (5 games)
Sanctuary Software Studio (1 game)
Sandbird Software (1 game)
Scavenger (1 game)
Schenk & Horn (2 games)
Schröder BV (1 game)
SerpentHead Software (1 game)
SGN/Starline (1 game)
Shareable Software (1 game)
Sierra Entertainment (39 games)
Silmarils (2 games)
Simon & Schuster Interactive (2 games)
Sir-Tech Software (5 games)
Sivers Studio (1 game)
Sleepless Software (1 game)
Snood, LLC (1 game)
Soft Enterprises (1 game)
Soft Logic (1 game)
Soft Town (1 game)
Soft-World International (1 game)
Softdisk Publishing (9 games)
Softek Development (1 game)
Softgold Computerspiele (2 games)
SoftKey Multimedia (1 game)
Software 2000 (1 game)
SOFTWARE 32 (1 game)
Software Creations (7 games)
Software of Sweden (3 games)
Software Storm (1 game)
Soleau Software (12 games)
SP Camo Workshop (2 games)
Spectrum Holobyte (2 games)
Spectrum Pacific Publishing (8 games)
Springsoft (1 game)
Squashy Software (1 game)
Stanley Design Team (1 game)
Starhill (1 game)
Strategic Simulations, Inc. (21 games)
Strategic Studies Group (3 games)
StRAtOS (1 game)
Streetwise Interactive (1 game)
Streitkräfteamt - Infoservice (1 game)
Studfarm Studios (1 game)
SumWare Software (Tactical Neuronics) (1 game)
Sunflowers (1 game)
SunStar Publishing (1 game)
Super Fighter Team (3 games)
SW Games (2 games)
Sybex (1 game)
Synaptic Entertainment (1 game)
Tactical Soft (1 game)
Take 2 Interactive (2 games)
Team17 Software (5 games)
The 3DO Company (2 games)
The Avalon Hill Game Company (5 games)
The Coca-Cola Company (1 game)
The Game Factory (5 games)
The Logic Factory (1 game)
The Pixel Team (1 game)
The Software Toolworks (1 game)
THQ (1 game)
Thunderbear Software Creations (1 game)
Ticsoft (10 games)
Tierra Entertainment / AGD Interactive (2 games)
Time Warner Interactive (1 game)
Titus Interactive (4 games)
TLK Games (3 games)
TMA (1 game)
TOM-Productions (2 games)
Trecision (1 game)
Triniti Software (1 game)
TriSoft (1 game)
U.S. Gold (3 games)
Ubi Soft Entertainment (4 games)
Ultisoft (4 games)
Union Logic Software Publishing (2 games)
United Software Artists (1 game)
USER (3 games)
V.I.S.T. Very Interactive Sales Tools (3 games)
Velocity Inc. (3 games)
Villa Crespo Software (1 game)
Virgin Interactive Entertainment (31 games)
Virtual Adventures Inc. (1 game)
VOBIS Amsterdam II (1 game)
Vorlon Software (1 game)
WAH-Software (1 game)
Walt Disney Computer Software (4 games)
WarnerActive (1 game)
Webfoot Technologies (16 games)
Weierheiser Concepts (1 game)
Westwood Studios (1 game)
Wiering Software (5 games)
Wildcard Design (1 game)
Williams Entertainment (1 game)
Windmill Software (1 game)
WizardWorks (10 games)
Worwyk Software (2 games)
WSP-Software (1 game)
Xenia Edizioni (1 game)
xLand Games (1 game)
XSIV Games (1 game)
Xtreme Games LLC (3 games)
Zac Soft (1 game)
Zeppelin Games (1 game)
Zonarware (1 game)
Related games:
- All related games -
360 degree shooter (17 games)
3D Game Creation System (8 games)
3dfx (23 games)
4X strategy (9 games)
ACK-3D engine (2 games)
ACKNEX engine (6 games)
Action RPG (17 games)
Action-adventure (30 games)
Adventure Game Interpreter (AGI) (10 games)
Adventure Game Studio (AGS) (12 games)
Allegro (34 games)
Alone in the Dark (3 games)
Alternate history (12 games)
Amiga original (47 games)
Ancient Egypt (7 games)
Apple II original (2 games)
Arcade original (17 games)
Artillery (3 games)
Asteroids like (10 games)
Atari original (3 games)
Baron Baldric (2 games)
Beat 'em up/brawler (6 games)
Blobber (25 games)
Body Blows (2 games)
Bomberman like (8 games)
Boulder Dash like (24 games)
Breakout/Arkanoid like (45 games)
Build engine (22 games)
Bullfrog's Theme series (2 games)
Business simulation (11 games)
Carmageddon (2 games)
Castles series (2 games)
Catacomb series (2 games)
Charlie the Duck (2 games)
Chess (13 games)
Christmas (26 games)
City-building (3 games)
Classic (259 games)
Clone (198 games)
Clyde's Adventures (2 games)
Columns like (6 games)
Command & Conquer (4 games)
Command & Conquer like (7 games)
Commander Keen (4 games)
Commodore 64 original (4 games)
Comprehend (3 games)
Concentration/memory (3 games)
Console style RPG (4 games)
Creative Commons licensed (6 games)
Crillion like (5 games)
Crusader series (2 games)
Crusher series (2 games)
Cyberdogs (2 games)
Czech language (9 games)
Descent engine (3 games)
Destruction Derby (2 games)
Disney licensee (7 games)
DIV Games Studio (30 games)
DOOM (7 games)
DOOM engine (12 games)
DOS & Windows (238 games)
DOS back-ported (8 games)
Ducks series (2 games)
Duke Nukem (7 games)
Dungeon crawler (44 games)
Dungeons & Dragons licensee (8 games)
EA Sports (8 games)
EA Strike series (2 games)
Earthworm Jim (2 games)
Empire series (2 games)
Enhanced remake (35 games)
F-15 Strike Eagle (2 games)
Fangame (31 games)
FIFA Soccer (3 games)
Five Star General series (3 games)
Flashback (2 games)
Flight Sim Toolkit (15 games)
Football (soccer) (13 games)
Ford Simulator (3 games)
French language (14 games)
Frogger clone (2 games)
Game-Maker (2 games)
Gauntlet like (11 games)
German language (49 games)
GPL licensed (40 games)
Greek mythology (6 games)
Gulf War (6 games)
Helicopter (15 games)
Heretic/Hexen (3 games)
Heros series (2 games)
Historical events (45 games)
Hockey (3 games)
Hop and Bop platformer (12 games)
Hugo (4 games)
Hunchback like (3 games)
Incomplete (32 games)
Indiana Jones licensee (2 games)
Ishar Trilogy (2 games)
Isometric shooter (6 games)
Jagged Alliance (2 games)
Jazz Jackrabbit (3 games)
JetFighter series (2 games)
Jetpac like (2 games)
Kart racing (7 games)
King Arthur/Arthurian legends (2 games)
King's Quest (7 games)
Knights Templar/Holy Grail (5 games)
Korean language (17 games)
Lemmings (9 games)
Lemmings like (5 games)
Liberated (former commercial) (208 games)
Licensed title (57 games)
Little Big Adventure (2 games)
Lode Runner like (8 games)
Lords of the Realm (2 games)
Lost Vikings (2 games)
Magic Carpet (2 games)
Maniac Mansion (2 games)
Manic Miner/Jet Set Willy (3 games)
Mario (6 games)
Mecha (9 games)
MechWarrior (2 games)
MegaRace (1 game)
Metaltech (2 games)
Micro Machines (2 games)
Might and Magic (2 games)
Modern warfare (47 games)
Monkey Island (2 games)
Mortal Kombat (2 games)
Mortal Kombat like (2 games)
Multi-language (54 games)
Multi-product demo (5 games)
NASCAR Racing (2 games)
NES original (2 games)
NetHack variant (6 games)
NHL Hockey (2 games)
Norse mythology (8 games)
Open source (167 games)
Oxyd series (3 games)
Pac-Man like (17 games)
Pang/Buster Bros. like (7 games)
Paratrooper like (5 games)
Patience/solitaire (10 games)
Pengo like (4 games)
Pinball (4 games)
Pirates! (2 games)
Polish language (13 games)
Promotional/advergame (16 games)
Prototype (12 games)
Public Domain (9 games)
Puzzle Bobble/Bust-A-Move like (7 games)
Puzznic like (3 games)
Quake engine (7 games)
Quarantine (2 games)
QuickBASIC (28 games)
Rally (7 games)
Raven Engine (2 games)
Rayman (3 games)
Re-released (20 games)
Realms of Arkania (3 games)
Remastered (10 games)
RenderWare engine (6 games)
Rex Blade (2 games)
Rise of the Robots (2 games)
Roguelike (16 games)
Rolling ball (8 games)
Russian language (8 games)
Sample/demonstration (14 games)
Sango Fighter (2 games)
Screamer (3 games)
SCUMM engine (11 games)
Self-published (351 games)
SerpentHead (3 games)
Sid Meier's series (2 games)
Side-scrolling shooter (25 games)
Sierra's Creative Interpreter (SCI) (9 games)
SimCity (2 games)
Skunny (7 games)
Snake/Nibbles like (14 games)
Sokoban (Soko-Ban) variant (21 games)
Sopwith (3 games)
Sopwith like (2 games)
Space Invaders like (12 games)
Space Quest (3 games)
Spacecraft simulation (20 games)
Star Control (2 games)
Star Wars licensee (6 games)
Stardust (2 games)
Stealth Fighter (2 games)
Steel Panthers (5 games)
Super Mario Bros. like (11 games)
Syndicate (3 games)
Tactical combat (17 games)
Tank (18 games)
Tennis (2 games)
Tetris like (34 games)
Text mode graphics (32 games)
Text parser (15 games)
The Bard's Tale Construction Set (2 games)
The Elder Scrolls (5 games)
The Incredible Machine (3 games)
The Kingdom of Syree (3 games)
The Legend of Kyrandia (3 games)
The Legend of Zelda like (6 games)
The Settlers (3 games)
The Terminator licensee (3 games)
Time travel (10 games)
Top-down racing (15 games)
Total conversion (16 games)
Tron like (4 games)
True 3D engine (2 games)
Ultima like (14 games)
Unofficial conversion (60 games)
Unreleased (14 games)
Vehicular combat (19 games)
Vertical scrolling shooter (29 games)
Warcraft (4 games)
Warcraft like (8 games)
Wargame (24 games)
Wing Commander (5 games)
Wolfenstein 3D engine (11 games)
World of Aden (2 games)
World War I (7 games)
World War II (16 games)
X-COM (3 games)
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Yendorian Tales (3 games)
Zool (2 games)
ZX Spectrum original (8 games)
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360 degree shooter (17)
3D Game Creation System (8)
3dfx (23)
4X strategy (9)
ACK-3D engine (2)
ACKNEX engine (6)
Action RPG (17)
Action-adventure (30)
Adventure Game Interpreter (AGI) (10)
Adventure Game Studio (AGS) (12)
Allegro (34)
Alone in the Dark (3)
Alternate history (12)
Amiga original (47)
Ancient Egypt (7)
Apple II original (2)
Arcade original (17)
Artillery (3)
Asteroids like (10)
Atari original (3)
Baron Baldric (2)
Beat 'em up/brawler (6)
Blobber (25)
Body Blows (2)
Bomberman like (8)
Boulder Dash like (24)
Breakout/Arkanoid like (45)
Build engine (22)
Bullfrog's Theme series (2)
Business simulation (11)
Carmageddon (2)
Castles series (2)
Catacomb series (2)
Charlie the Duck (2)
Chess (13)
Christmas (26)
City-building (3)
Classic (259)
Clone (198)
Clyde's Adventures (2)
Columns like (6)
Command & Conquer (4)
Command & Conquer like (7)
Commander Keen (4)
Commodore 64 original (4)
Comprehend (3)
Concentration/memory (3)
Console style RPG (4)
Creative Commons licensed (6)
Crillion like (5)
Crusader series (2)
Crusher series (2)
Cyberdogs (2)
Czech language (9)
Descent engine (3)
Destruction Derby (2)
Disney licensee (7)
DIV Games Studio (30)
DOOM (7)
DOOM engine (12)
DOS & Windows (238)
DOS back-ported (8)
Ducks series (2)
Duke Nukem (7)
Dungeon crawler (44)
Dungeons & Dragons licensee (8)
EA Sports (8)
EA Strike series (2)
Earthworm Jim (2)
Empire series (2)
Enhanced remake (35)
F-15 Strike Eagle (2)
Fangame (31)
FIFA Soccer (3)
Five Star General series (3)
Flashback (2)
Flight Sim Toolkit (15)
Football (soccer) (13)
Ford Simulator (3)
French language (14)
Frogger clone (2)
Game-Maker (2)
Gauntlet like (11)
German language (49)
GPL licensed (40)
Greek mythology (6)
Gulf War (6)
Helicopter (15)
Heretic/Hexen (3)
Heros series (2)
Historical events (45)
Hockey (3)
Hop and Bop platformer (12)
Hugo (4)
Hunchback like (3)
Incomplete (32)
Indiana Jones licensee (2)
Ishar Trilogy (2)
Isometric shooter (6)
Jagged Alliance (2)
Jazz Jackrabbit (3)
JetFighter series (2)
Jetpac like (2)
Kart racing (7)
King Arthur/Arthurian legends (2)
King's Quest (7)
Knights Templar/Holy Grail (5)
Korean language (17)
Lemmings (9)
Lemmings like (5)
Liberated (former commercial) (208)
Licensed title (57)
Little Big Adventure (2)
Lode Runner like (8)
Lords of the Realm (2)
Lost Vikings (2)
Magic Carpet (2)
Maniac Mansion (2)
Manic Miner/Jet Set Willy (3)
Mario (6)
Mecha (9)
MechWarrior (2)
MegaRace (1)
Metaltech (2)
Micro Machines (2)
Might and Magic (2)
Modern warfare (47)
Monkey Island (2)
Mortal Kombat (2)
Mortal Kombat like (2)
Multi-language (54)
Multi-product demo (5)
NASCAR Racing (2)
NES original (2)
NetHack variant (6)
NHL Hockey (2)
Norse mythology (8)
Open source (167)
Oxyd series (3)
Pac-Man like (17)
Pang/Buster Bros. like (7)
Paratrooper like (5)
Patience/solitaire (10)
Pengo like (4)
Pinball (4)
Pirates! (2)
Polish language (13)
Promotional/advergame (16)
Prototype (12)
Public Domain (9)
Puzzle Bobble/Bust-A-Move like (7)
Puzznic like (3)
Quake engine (7)
Quarantine (2)
QuickBASIC (28)
Rally (7)
Raven Engine (2)
Rayman (3)
Re-released (20)
Realms of Arkania (3)
Remastered (10)
RenderWare engine (6)
Rex Blade (2)
Rise of the Robots (2)
Roguelike (16)
Rolling ball (8)
Russian language (8)
Sample/demonstration (14)
Sango Fighter (2)
Screamer (3)
SCUMM engine (11)
Self-published (351)
SerpentHead (3)
Sid Meier's series (2)
Side-scrolling shooter (25)
Sierra's Creative Interpreter (SCI) (9)
SimCity (2)
Skunny (7)
Snake/Nibbles like (14)
Sokoban (Soko-Ban) variant (21)
Sopwith (3)
Sopwith like (2)
Space Invaders like (12)
Space Quest (3)
Spacecraft simulation (20)
Star Control (2)
Star Wars licensee (6)
Stardust (2)
Stealth Fighter (2)
Steel Panthers (5)
Super Mario Bros. like (11)
Syndicate (3)
Tactical combat (17)
Tank (18)
Tennis (2)
Tetris like (34)
Text mode graphics (32)
Text parser (15)
The Bard's Tale Construction Set (2)
The Elder Scrolls (5)
The Incredible Machine (3)
The Kingdom of Syree (3)
The Legend of Kyrandia (3)
The Legend of Zelda like (6)
The Settlers (3)
The Terminator licensee (3)
Time travel (10)
Top-down racing (15)
Total conversion (16)
Tron like (4)
True 3D engine (2)
Ultima like (14)
Unofficial conversion (60)
Unreleased (14)
Vehicular combat (19)
Vertical scrolling shooter (29)
Warcraft (4)
Warcraft like (8)
Wargame (24)
Wing Commander (5)
Wolfenstein 3D engine (11)
World of Aden (2)
World War I (7)
World War II (16)
X-COM (3)
X-Men licensee (2)
XnGine (8)
Yendorian Tales (3)
Zool (2)
ZX Spectrum original (8)