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Jet Set Willy II PC

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File Details
  • executable: FF.EXE
  • version 1.0

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Game description

This is an unofficial PC conversion of Jet Set Willy II: The Final Frontier, which is a "sequel" to Jet Set Willy. In fact, The Final Frontier is more of an expansion pack that just adds more rooms to the original Jet Set Willy, instead of being a completely different game.

The objective is the same: you control Willy and must collect all items scattered across his mansion, which is also crawling with the most bizarre of creatures, like giant razor blades, flying TV sets and monsters that defy description. Any contact with hazards is lethal, so Willy must run and jump to avoid the threats (and also long falls) to obtain all the items.

This remake was created by Dan Richardson using the DIV Games Studio software suite. There are several different versions, with the first release being rather unpolished and suffering from bugs and performance issues. All versions attempt to recreate the original game's mechanics and levels while polishing the graphics, but never quite reach the same level of perfection as Jet Set Willy PC by Andy Noble. One of the versions comes with its own level editor.

Description by MrFlibble

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