First-Person Shooter, 2004
Freeware, Update
Dev: | Greg Mapes, Seth Galbraith |
Also known as Spacehog
Shooter, 1998
Freeware (installed), Freeware, Freeware, Editor
Dev: | Johan Peitz |
Pub: | Free Lunch Design |
Also known as Exhumed
First-Person Shooter, 1996
Playable demo (installed), Playable demo, Playable demo
Dev: | Lobotomy Software |
Pub: | Playmates Interactive Entertainment |
Also known as Putt Putt Goes to the Moon
Educational, 1993
Playable demo
Dev: | Humongous Entertainment |
Pub: | Humongous Entertainment |
Also known as Putt Putt Joins the Parade
Educational, 1992
Playable demo
Dev: | Humongous Entertainment |
Pub: | Humongous Entertainment |