Also known as Alladin, Alladdin
Platform, 1994
Playable demo (installed), Playable demo
Dev: | Virgin Interactive Entertainment |
Pub: | Walt Disney Computer Software |
Also known as The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy
Dev: | The Oliver Twins |
Pub: | Codemasters Software |
Also known as HACX - Twitch 'n Kill
First-Person Shooter, 1997
Full version (installed), Full version, Full version (installed)
Dev: | Banjo Software |
Pub: | Banjo Software |
First-Person Shooter, 1994
Playable demo (installed), Playable demo
Dev: | Soft Enterprises |
Pub: | Soft Enterprises |
Also known as MegaRace 1, Mega Race
Dev: | Cryo Interactive Entertainment |
Pub: | The Software Toolworks |