First-Person Shooter, 2003Freeware
Adventure, 2000Freeware, Freeware
Adventure, 2000Playable demo, Freeware
First-Person Shooter, 2022Freeware
First-Person Shooter, 2014Freeware
Puzzle, 1990Freeware
Puzzle, 2001Freeware
Puzzle, 1998Freeware
Also known as Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom
Role-Playing, 1984Freeware
Also known as DOS Rogue Clone
Role-Playing, 2001Freeware, Source code
Also known as Rokets, Rockets, Rocketz
Shooter, 1996Freeware
Miscellaneous, 1980Freeware
Arcade, 2000Freeware (installed), Freeware, Source code
Platform, 1997Freeware (installed), Freeware